Thank you all SO MUCH for joining me for this series. This writing has done my heart good, and your comments both on and off the site have done my heart even better! So without further ado…
Part 4: Family Reunion
Not much in this universe (if anything at all) compares to family reunions or large family gatherings for any occasion. The assembly of generations of people – with varied shapes, sizes and personalities, boasting an array of differences and sneaky similarities all at once, united by the common stream of blood flowing through their veins – is a phenomenon that simply cannot be matched.
Last year, my paternal relatives gathered in the sunshine state at Thanksgiving for the first family reunion we’ve had in who knows how long. It was a time of shooting the breeze

and enjoying the breeze.

A time for catching up with some, getting re-acquainted with others, and sharing love for all….
We hit the ground eating…

and then we ate some more. And let’s not even talk about the WHOLE LOT of Thanksgiving eating in between the other eating.
Taboo anyone?

How about a little White Elephant fun? I mean, who couldn’t use some toilet seat covers?!

My brother-in-law can hook you up! I personally scored a nice bag of chocolate covered…wait for it….PRUNES! Don’t laugh. Let’s just say one of my family members thanked me for those prunes the next morning. LOLOL!!!
Then there was more food…

and even a few awards. I won a writing award. They may not have believed me when I said it, but I really do LOVE pencils and any other writing instruments. Tools of the trade are always in fashion!

My friend tied for the “most entertaining” award (surprise, surprise). Check out his trophy!

I have 2 words for whoever came up with this idea – Absolute GENIUS! LOL
And after the festivities, during some free time there was some BEACH time.

This girl LOVES the ocean.
Daddy was VERY excited about this family reunion. It was something he wanted, and it goes without saying that he was greatly missed. But then again, he was there. Because we are his family – generations of people with varied shapes, sizes and personalities, boasting an array of differences and sneaky similarities all at once, united by the common stream of blood flowing through our veins. A phenomenon that simply cannot be matched…

Hey Monica,
I just wanted to let you know that I love, love this one on the family reunion. I have to confess that I laugh so hard that it brought tears. I’m so glad that we all have a good sense of humor.
Thank you
Much Love
Oh Sandra I so appreciate your family hosting the reunion! It was loads of fun and just nice to be together.