My last post was Sunday, January 13, 2013 – exactly 3 Sundays prior to today. 4 days after I posted, my new husband and I were finally able to end our short stint of living apart and officially merge households. And you haven’t seen as much as a comma from me since then, right? Right! So much for my goal of filling my 2013 calendar with at least one post a week.
It’s not like I don’t have stuff to talk about, stories to tell or just things to say, you know? I do. I always do. Ask my husband; he’ll tell you. Lately, however, I’ve spent more time talking, telling, or saying all those things in my head (and, maybe, in a journal) but not to you. Please forgive me.
Life is sprinkled with seasons of adjustment, and needless to say the early days of marriage is one of those seasons. In addition to trying to figure out how to maintain my quirky eating habits, how to still get to bed at a decent hour and how to share a bathroom with a man (now, THAT’s a hard one), I’ve also been struggling to find a new writing rhythm that flows with the current of this new season in life.
In a season like this It certainly helps a lot to have people around you who will hold you accountable to the work they know you must do.
“You didn’t do your blog this week…” 7 little words one of my girlfriends very casually slipped into the end of an email to me.
“Do I look like a piece of paper to you,” my husband questioned as I favored sneaking kisses to the evening writing session I was supposed to have. That was one day last week. I did finally relocate to another room to try to write, but unfortunately nothing materialized from my efforts. Oh well. At least I tried, right? I’m so thankful to know there are some who have my back, though. Because of them, there was no way I was going to miss another week.
So here I am today – thinking about adjustments and accountability. So may I ask a favor of you? As I continue trying to adjust to this beautiful new season, may I ask you to hold me accountable. In the far right corner of the top tool bar is a contact option. Feel free to send me a gentle nudge or two (or TEN) every now and then if you sense I may be slipping. Every little bit helps, right?
Is there something new going on in your world that’s causing you to have to adjust? What’s falling by the wayside in the meantime? Who is (are) your accountability partner(s)? I’d love to hear about it.
Hi Monica, finding a rhythm can be challenging but it’s great to have people that’ll help steer you back on course. And being a newlywed I can certainly understand why blogging may not stay in the top of your priorities. Life is all about balance.
It is great to have folks around who’ll make me feel bad every now and again. 😉 You’ve been inspiring and encouraging to me, as well. I hope you’ll be one of those nudgers for me every now and then.
You’re words express the experience of so many. The goal of balance… At least we have set the goal and attempt to move in the correct direction. Thanks for sharing your heart.
I agree, Laci. We have to begin somewhere, and setting the goal seems like a good place to start. People like you keep me coming back here. Thanks for reading, Laci.
You and I are in the same boat and I don’t even have the excuse of being a newlywed (nor the man to treat as a “piece of paper”)….that was cute! I would say that I would hold you accountable, but then I’d need someone to hold me accountable for holding you accountable…Looks like we could both use prayer! 🙂
Jackie, you’ve really been making your blog happen. It’s been very exciting to see your posts come through each week, especially since the stories you share about the message you bring to our youth are so important. You pray for me, and I’ll keep praying for you. 🙂
The same thing happened to me and songwriting when my husband and I were new. It’s not a bad thing to want to pour your time into your relationship. Truly, it will strengthen you for seasons to come. But I’ve found writing now has to become a discipline. I used to keep several posts prepped and ready to go in case I came upon a busy week with less available time for writing. But now I’ve somehow used up my queue and I’m learning a whole new urgency to that discipline. Now, if I don’t write, my blog goes empty, and I had always promised myself (and now my readers) that I would post weekly. I view deadlines as a personal challenge…maybe you could offer rewards to yourself for meeting a weekly writing goal? A small weekly reward, then a bigger reward after meeting your weekly goal so many weeks in a row. Find a new dress you love and let it be your dangling carrot! Hugs from Wisconsin! (And FUNNY – “Do I look like a piece of paper…” Love it! Funny man.)
Ahhh, Becky. I remember your sharing with me about your songwriting. I agree. Discipline is what I need. Although it tries to outsmart me, I’ll figure out its secrets soon enough. I’m almost there, and I love the idea of a weekly reward. New dress? Well, you’re speaking my language. I’ll have to figure something out. I’ll keep you posted. BIG hug from Georgia, my friend.