Ok, so I’ve tried like crazy NOT to miss a day and to write at all costs in my Be Completely You writing challenge . I was out-of-town this past weekend, and there’s nothing like a bit of travel to upset your entire rhythm. I didn’t eat as well as I normally do, and I didn’t WRITE as well as I’ve tried to do either. However, I did enjoy myself, and we all know joy is priceless. 🙂
I tried to play catch up and write this evening, but that seems to be a no-go. I was hoping to post an E post for today and write a T post for tomorrow. Not happening. Fact of the matter is, I’m so sleepy I don’t think any words are flowing in my head unless they can be composed by a bunch of Zzzzzz. When I caught my head just as it was falling toward the keyboard I figured it was time to surrender to sleep.
So, I just want to drop you a line to say I’m still writing, but tonight I’m taking a much-needed break to get some rest. I’ll be back at these keys tomorrow evening. Hopefully once I get some rest I will be able to produce a worthwhile E post. I already have an idea in mind, so we’ll see if it still feels good tomorrow. Believe it or not, my T post was started last week. So, you go get some rest too. And if you’re reading this on tomorrow, well I hope you had a super good night. 🙂
Completely sleepy ME,

Hope you get some much needed rest my friend. Love the new blog look.
Thank you Wanda!