The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man (Genesis 2:22 NASB,
emphasis mine)
Saturday, I met one of my coworkers for tea and treats at a local tearoom. I have become quite fascinated with tearooms and coffee houses in the past few years.

Confession: I am acquiring a taste for tea (hot tea, not normal, southern sweet tea, YUCK!), but I don’t drink coffee AT ALL. Go figure! Shhhh, please don’t tell.
Anyway, tearooms just seem to be in harmony with my inner girly-ness (even though I have yet to go all out and wear a big hat to one), with their fancy silver tiered trays and dainty cups and saucers. Every now and then I go on the prowl for a new tearoom to visit.
Saturday’s tea spot was a small house, neatly tucked away in the heart of a suburban historic district, on a narrow one-way street. The street was lined with towering, ancient trees and neighboring historic homes, now reborn as merchant shops. It’s the type of area that invites you to park your car on a Saturday morning, sip some tea, and then stroll from door to door, shopping for something unique to be wrapped in tissue paper and placed in a fancy bag to take home with you.
After my coworker and I said our “see you Monday’s”, I hopped (not literally) across the street to see what was stirring in a small home design and accessories boutique.
The shop was tastefully filled with comfy accent chairs, unique tables, scented candles, gift books and LOTS of BEAUTIFUL, hand crafted jewelry. I love knowing when things are hand-crafted, don’t you? As I touched the pieces I imagined a diligent designer sitting in her favorite creative spot, painstakingly threading every bead, positioning every pendant, and fastening every clasp. There were many jewelry sets to choose from, and no two bore any resemblance to each other. I silently marveled at what time, attention, care and creativity it took to piece together those beautifully unique items.
Back at the home front later that day, I spent some much needed quiet time reading the biblical account of God’s creation of woman. Unexpectedly, the words of scripture took me back, retracing my steps back to the little home design and accessories boutique and the beautiful handcrafted jewelry I discovered there.
“Wow”! Stunned by the simple revelation that hit me, I immediately pulled out my journal and began to write….
Well, my friends, I’m afraid I’m out of time. Besides, cliffhangers are always fun, aren’t they? 🙂 Join me tomorrow for the rest of the story (as Paul Harvey used to say). Feel free to bring your favorite cup of tea, if you’d like. Until then..
Completely ME,
Love the way God uses real-word illustrations to draw our attention to His Word.
I love it, too, Wanda. My prayer is to begin to notice these illustrations more.
Monica, where exactly is this tea house. The area sounds lovely. I would love to visit before it gets “too cold to stroll.” 🙂
I love “in harmony with my inner girly-ness”. Such a precise way to describe that princess little girl that lives in each of us. =)
Thanks for swinging by my blog!
🙂 What can I say, I love being a girly girl!