It’s hump day! It’s also day 3 of my Be Completely You writing challenge, and I’m trying NOT to keep asking myself whose bright idea this was anyway. It’s actually already been good for me. I’m forced to not only think about writing but write SOMETHING, no matter how simple, each day. I sure hope you aren’t bored yet. 🙂
Over the summer I told you about a book I decided I should read. Remember, I was talking about the whole trying to eat right and exercise thing. I even told you about the snazzy pair of running shoes I bought to support my healthy efforts.

Well, I’m proud to say I’ve put a few miles on those shoes (even trying to do a little, I do mean little, running every now and again), and I FINALLY (3 whole months later) purchased that book I told you about. Made to Crave, by Lysa Terkeurst

Better late than never, right? Besides, I was waiting for some of you to join me for this read, but sadly there were no takers.:-(
But I digress…
Last week, I read this blog post by a young lady named Sarah. In this post Sarah shares her story about how the book has really helped her to begin putting food in its rightful place in her life and set her on the road to becoming a healthier woman. It’s a great testimony! As a matter of fact it was so inspiring that I ventured out to my local Barnes and Noble (R.I.P. Borders!), braving the lunch rush hour, to finally snag my copy of the book.
I’ve been reading the book (as evidenced by the paper clip you see in the picture 🙂 ) for the past week, and I’m really enjoying it. Monday through Friday, I spend an hour each day reading a chapter then recording my responses to the Personal Reflections questions in a journal. Usually my Made to Crave time is sandwiched (no food pun intended) between my time in the gym and dinner. I never thought about it before now, but how apropos, don’t you think?
I believe what’s most exciting to me about this book is that, just as I suspected, the content can easily reach far outside the box of food cravings. The truths written in this book can easily be used to teach about so many other cravings that lure us into unhealthy places and distance us from the presence of God. It’s really quite refreshing! I strongly recommend you check it out, maybe even consider it for a small group or book club discussion. I know I am.
If you had to confess one craving (food or otherwise) that teases and tempts your appetite, what would it be?
Completely ME,

Monica – So glad my story could help you in some small way. What a blessing to read your blog post this morning. I am staying in an Atlanta hotel – here to attend Catalyst – and I did NOT want to exercise this morning in the hotel fitness room. I also didn’t want to pass up the bagel and cream cheese at the continental breakfast. I have been struggling all morning. Then, I read your post, and I know He is with me.
I hope we can stay in touch. This journey is made easier by sisters like you:)
YAY for you Sarah! You can do it. And welcome to Atlanta, btw. 🙂 I’d love to meet you, but I’m guessing the conference will have you quite busy. If not, let me know. I’m so glad this post was able to whisper a message from God that He is with you on this journey. I’m with you, too! So far, I’m really enjoying the book. Like I said in the post, it can speak to so many other areas of struggle in our lives. Panera Bread has been calling my name this morning, but I’ll answer with an egg white omelete with chicken, spinach and a little mozzarella cheese. I’m still interested in an online group, if you’re able to round one up. Keep me posted.