Ok, so you’ve “heard” me talk about my prissy yellow dress, right? The one I bought while a chill still ruled the air and department store mannequins wore the only signs of spring being just around the corner? The one I FINALLY wore for the very first time just the other day?
Yes! Yes! That one!
This dress makes me smile just looking at it. It’s not solely because it reminds me of why I thank God ALL OF THE TIME for creating me as a woman. I’m just giddy about the way the color shouts at me, “smile or I’ll blind you”. Lord knows I needed that colorful push the other day. If you read Wednesday’s post, you know or can imagine that lately there are days when I need LOTS of extra coaxing to turn the corners of my mouth upward and to dry the tears from my eyes. Sometimes, wearing a little sunshine aids the effort.
God is faithful to give us just what we need when we need it, and I am so glad there is just no limit to the creativity of His methods. And to be honest sometimes I just love the way He loves on me with a little something girly. I mean a few years ago I wrote this post about a pair of designer jeans. (Don’t ask, just read the post when you get a chance. :-)) Believe me, I dare not reduce the glory of the Lord’s grace, mercy, and compassion toward us down to my female infatuation for frilly fashion. Not at all. However, I do make it my business to attempt to take note of His every blessed smile upon me. Some of the smiles I just might miss if I limited myself and Him to the box myself and others tend to try to keep Him in.
Ok, so you’re probably screaming, “Monica get to the point already!!” It’s Friday, so a serious point to this post would be, well, too serious. So, no “serious” for me today. I’m simply here because I realized I’ve talked about it twice, but…
I NEVER SHOWED YOU THE DRESS! Duh!! I know at least half of you have been curious, so here it is:

How girly is that?! This little number certainly helped lift my spirits a few days ago. Ok, so let me hear it. What is your favorite fashion find that as soon as you saw it, bought it, or received it made you start humming “Jesus loves me this I know…” in your head? See you in the comments.
Completely feeling God’s love for me in the midst of it all,
THIS is the cutest dress! I love all the ruffles! My mom use to dress me in yellow all the time when I was little. For me, it would have to be my red patent leather shoes by Börn! I loved the shoes, so comfortable and flats, which is far from typical for me. Sadly, I wore them all over Europe and I had to lay them to rest. I’d be happy to find another pair!