I thought I had this post all figured out. Last night, I even started a draft of it complete with title and a few notes. However, when I sat down this evening to complete it, well let’s just say my thoughts and my fingertips could not seem to agree. So, I took a break and began searching for a plan B for post P.
I started perusing the list of post drafts hanging out around my blog. There are about 18 perfectly good thoughts there, each one of them craving just a little TLC and maybe their own 15 seconds of fame. I even came across a draft of a post with the same subject I was considering for this post. Obviously it’s a subject I should address one day, but seeing it twice still didn’t make today feel like the day.
Toward the end of the list of drafts, I came across this post. It was already titled (unlike some of my babies who’ve yet to be given a name) and virtually complete. As I read the words of these verses in Proverbs, I was instantly reminded of the sensation I felt when I read them on the 30th day of some month gone by. It was a sensation that led me home to my computer to write about it that afternoon.
Here is what I had to say:
“Each day when I arrive at my desk the first thing I do is open my bible to the Proverbs chapter of the day and place the open book on my desk, just underneath my computer monitor. It’s not that I have time to actually read the words on the page on most days, but the open bible in my presence always gives me peace. I take a bible almost everywhere I go. More often than not there’s one in my purse, and I sleep with the Word open on my bed each night.
This afternoon, as the day was almost done, I glanced at the open bible resting underneath my computer monitor. It was open to Proverbs 30. I had some unused moments as I tied a tidy little bow on a pretty uneventful day, so I used them to read Proverbs 30. I was stopped by these words:
Proverbs 30:7-9, NASB
7. Two things I asked of You, Do not refuse me before I die:
8. Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion,
9. That I not be full and deny You and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or that I not be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God.
I love these words! As I consider where my life is today – the people who were and the people who are; the things I have and the things I want; the things I’ve accomplished, and the goals I’m still striving to achieve – I pray the words above will find a permanent place of rest in my heart.”
Wise, Virtuous, Valuable,