“Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.” – Revelation 19:6
Happy H day. It’s been an interesting few days. As a writer, I’m used to thinking about words, but I’ve never spent so much time thinking about the letters that form them. Take the letter H, for example. I had quite a challenging time coming up with words that begin with the sweet letter H, and I have no idea why. As I spoke with one of my sisters yesterday, she began spewing all manner of “H” words, just off the top of her head. I thought to myself, “Wow…I guess the H’s are on vacation in my mind.” The only H word that seemed to stand out in my mind was “Hallelujah”. Seriously….
A few days ago, while chatting with my sweet man friend about my need for an H word, he graciously offered his suggestion. Guess which word he came up with. You guessed it. “Hallelujah”! So, of course, I gave it a bit more thought. I had an idea of what I wanted my H post to look like, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to find what I needed to pull it off. Well, I’m here, so it’s safe to assume I found what I needed.
Christian recording artist, Anthony Evans, has a song on his Undisguised cd entitled “Hallelujah”. The CD is a phenomenal body of music, but track 4 is one that I often get stuck on. You should see me sitting at my desk during the day – head bobbing, singing aloud (hope my co-workers don’t mind, or better yet, don’t hear me!). I tend to play this song over and over again, because it just speaks to me so sweetly. So, today I simply want to share my H word in song. I hope it encourages you as much as it encourages me. Enjoy!
Not familiar with the artist but the song is beautiful. Have a great weekend.
You really should check him out! Anthony Evans is phenomenal!