So, I’m behind the proverbial 8 ball. When I decided to enter the A to Z Blog Challenge, I really didn’t consider the numerous items that were already penciled into my April calendar.
It all began with a birthday. In my world, my birthday is a big deal! I once had a co-worker who labeled it a “production”. I like that. The truth is it is a hilariously accurate description. I simply adore birthday celebrations, and I stretch mine out as long as I can. Birthdays just feel like the one day a year when everyone around you graciously overlooks your blatant sin of selfishness. So that’s where the thread began to unravel – in the midst of a jam packed birthday weekend!
From there, I tumbled head first into an ULTRA packed work week. It’s one of those weeks where you leave work, go home and begin working again. Yes. It’s that kind of work week. In the distance, there’s another active weekend ahead that will spill over into the following week. None of this includes the unexpected car maintenance and general, nagging “to do” list I have for myself. Next thing I know the month will be over. The month and the blog challenge….
Tonight, I’m hanging out with another one of those periodic, pop-up reminders that I can always use a touch more discipline when it comes to my writing. Believe it or not, I decided early on that my “D” word in this challenge would be “discipline“. It seemed like a natural choice. Don’t get me wrong. I am not a totally undisciplined individual. In some areas of my life, I amaze myself at just how disciplined I can be. However, this is a writing challenge, and admittedly I still have some work to do when it comes to my discipline as a writer.
That’s why the A to Z Blog Challenge is so important to me. It’s my personal exercise to help tighten up my writing discipline. I will not allow the time stamp on each day’s post to be the focus of my attention. My focus will be solely on the discipline of writing. Oh, and the absolute joy I receive from it, as well… So, until tomorrow (hopefully before midnight, lol)