This post is two days late. Despite the facts that I’m using my calendar, making my lists, prioritizing my tasks and my social media hours are at an all time low, I still find myself struggling a bit with productivity. It feels like the art of getting ahead of and staying ahead of the curve is playing a not so attractive game of cat and mouse. Although I do get things done each day, it never seems to be enough of the things I feel I need to get done – like catching up on the week’s bible study lessons, finishing the two books I’m reading or writing my weekly blog post.
This past weekend was booked solid with household chores, a visit from family members and a looming Monday work deadline. Next thing I know I blinked and the weekend went up in smoke.
I’ll be honest. I knew when I started 52 Weeks to Be Completely You that this would be more than a year of growing as a woman. It would also be a year of stretching as a writer. With all of the responsibilities that crowd into a normal day (not to mention the pesky need for sleep), it’s often hard to pinch away a smidgen of time to do one of the things I enjoy most and that’s hanging with you here in our little community.
So amidst the weekend’s activities, in the back of my mind I was wondering, “What should I write about this week?” As I reviewed my list of potential “Be…” topics, they all seemed to raise their hands at once, only adding to my confusion. In no time, I found myself struggling to decide what to write about, running behind schedule and afraid to confess either shortcoming. Then one day I heard a little voice say, “Monica, just be honest.”
The topic for this week was hidden (or maybe not so much) in that little whisper.
Be honest.
We often underestimate the value of honesty, yet it’s a critical part of every strong relationship. Just as the presence of honesty strengthens individuals and relationships, the absence of it can easily destroy them both. In the past, I’ve even been guilty of fearing what may lie on the other side of my honesty. However, experience has taught me that with honesty you win, no matter what. It is important to be honest with yourself and with others in all situations.
Honestly, this is challenging. I won’t use the word hard, but posting consistently once a week is challenging. Finding the time in a constantly fluctuating schedule to sit still, be quiet and write is challenging. I’m sure it will get easier. Maybe somewhere around week 30 I’ll be in a groove. Practice makes perfect, right? But today, not so much. Try as I might with all the effort and good intentions in the world, sometimes time escapes me and I’m behind the proverbial 8-ball once again.
So there you have it. My fretting over a blog post served up a good reminder of the importance of honesty. And better late than never, right?
Are there any areas in your life that can use a little bit more honesty? Have you ever feared what may come out of your being honest with someone?
Thank you again for posting. I didn’t know what to do with myself Monday when I didn’t see an email from you (your words always bring me peace on that hectic day). I definitely understand that life happens, I am just glad that you are well because I was a little worried. But I prayed about it, and here you are! 🙂 This post was a really good one for me. I realize that if I would be honest about some things that they would have the potential to be much better. For example, I have some issues with my roommates that lead me to stay away as long as possible (often times I stay in the library until 1:00am just to avoid it all) and it causes me to be even more tired and restless. Whenever they do something that doesn’t sit well with me however, I don’t say a word. I have always been a silent sufferer because I would never want to cause problems for anybody. But, if I decide to be honest with them and tell them how I feel, maybe things will change. They may have absolutely no idea how I feel at all. I am going to seriously think about being honest with them. It would probably be better everyone.
Another area that really needs some honesty improvement is how I spend my time. I am a full time student with three jobs and a 16 hour per week practicum, on top of applying to grad schools, being active in my sorority and church ministries and trying to be a good sister and friend to many. It’s a lot. I’ve always been able to handle a big load, but lately I have been receiving so much pressure from most of these systems that it seems like I am going to crumble. I’ve been finding myself so stressed to the point that I can’t sleep or focus because I’m thinking about all that I have to do. I would love to be honest with all of my supervisors, co-workers, friends, etc, and let them know that I really can’t take on every single thing they want me to do. It’s scary to think of because I don’t want to let anyone down or be a disappointment. But in the long run, I know it will be best for my well-being.
Sorry for this novel, lol! But thank you so much for creating a place where we can come and be encouraged and really think about and discuss topics to help us to just be ourselves <3
Courtney, I tell you girl I can so relate to you in many ways. It seems as women, we often find ourselves in situations where we’re hesitant to be honest about our true feelings. We fear what may come on the other side of our honesty. Isn’t it interesting how something that should come so naturally (just being ourselves) can often be so challenging? I’ve often been the “silent sufferer” myself, for reasons similar to your own. But trust me, you can still have a heart not to hurt or cause problems for others, without always sacrificing your true feelings. Like you said, if you don’t tell them, they won’t know. Maybe things will change, maybe they wont, but all will be better off if honesty is involved. This means being the most authentic you. People may not always like what your honesty brings to their world, but they will respect you more for it.You will be stronger and your relationships will become healthier as you attract those who respect who you are versus those who abuse who you are. You owe it to yourself and to others as well. Be completely you, Courtney. Because you’re good enough. 🙂
Thank you so much Monica, I am slowly learning that 🙂
Guess what? Today I was honest with my practicum supervisor and it went SO well and I feel like I had this huge weight lifted off of me. It was a great start. Thank you for the encouragement, I would have never even thought about really doing it,if it wasn’t for your post!
Well thank God for His timing of this post. Slow is ok. Diligence is what matters. Trust me, I’m still learning this sometimes myself. I’m so glad things went will with your practicum supervisor and that your honesty helped lift a burden for you. I told you…All will be better off. 🙂